Practice Net - For Your
Office Software
The Internet has made
available a wealth of information to you on every
topic imaginable except one. And one that’s vitally
important to you …
We’ve been searching for an answer to this for some
time. If you’re away from the office and have your
own PC with you then there are several possible
solutions you could use. But what if you don’t - no
product could cater for every situation until now.
Now with this new
service you can access your office computer from
anywhere in the world – all you need is Internet
You could be in an
Internet café, a client’s office, at an airport, a
hotel lounge … or simply at home.
All you do is log
on to the Practice Net web site, log in, (user id &
password), and you’ve got immediate & secure access
to your office network.
The same product
also enables Practice Net to access your network too
– with your permission of course – to resolve any
issues you may have. One of our engineers would
simply log on & diagnose the problem and usually fix
it there and then. Saving time & with little or no
involvement on the part of you or your staff.
- So what’s the cost?
It’s £100 per annum for remote access
And if you’re
already a member of our Customer Support Scheme
there’s no additional charge for On-line support. If
you’re not then let us know your support needs and
we’ll tell you the cost tailored to your
Start benefiting
immediately by calling +44(0)29 2083 7426 now
Email – at
only £100 plus VAT per year you shouldn’t need to
think twice.